Urban Crop Circle Project Prospectus intro ppg220
I’m still working on this part.
At the South West corner of the Cul Du Sac is The Anchor Store featuring The Woodward Salons and five star quality day spas. The Anchor Store also features a piano bar in the grand foyer. Where on Wednesday, they offer Tea Service and a fashion gallery around a small trio at the piano bar. This is where deals are made between the women of the Imagined Nation and the rest of the world. Beyond this Point Periwinkle barely ventured.
Although the residents of the community are shareholders in the bespoke service department store, it is not designed for them to be regular patrons, but instead, Ambassadors to the public access point of the unique features and amenities of the little hidden village.
“Now Ed here’s my conjecture, someone with money would be more likely to think about such a venture if a lot of the legwork was already done. Costs breakdowns, traffic analysis, behavior models. Now these days making this kind of shit up is the exclusive domain of the motion picture industry. So, I imagine the place, then others figure out how much it would cost and who to work with to make it real. We publish it, we get people to talking about it. Then we pitch it as a motion picture package. Sell the whole idea, lock, stock and both barrels to some greedy fuck. We sit back and wait for them to hire us back on as consultants. Because we don’t give them ammo. We convince them to build it and leave it there. Fully functioning. Kind of like, Truman, if he’d always been aware of where he was.